Alex: An Adventure Between the Ages is a whimsical adventure horror game with various puzzles. The main character will have to escape from various monsters, find solutions in puzzle locations, laugh, and, of course, get scared.
Ah, it's that wonderful time of vacation...
What did you do during fall break? Sleeping? Walking? Doing nothing? Well, Alex wanted to take a break from school. He wanted…
it's a terrible story
An evil fate has befallen a schoolboy. He's about to experience all the horrors he's seen in the movies. Alex is in trouble and now must find a way to get out of the water dry.
Survival at all costs
Teaming up with his only friend (or not) Mr. Sen, the little adventurer will try to survive in a new habitat and think of how to get back home. It's going to be a long road, so let's wish Alex good luck!